Making the most of your window display with mannequins

If a customer enters your store one of the first things they will notice is the mannequin display. Mannequins can help to sell your merchandise and keep things interesting and fresh. They can help you to display outfits so that your customers can appreciate how lovely the garments look when taken off the hanger and even lure passers by in the store.

The display in the front window is extremely important and is the most prominent place to use your mannequins. You can communicate quickly to customers using a creative display about your type of store and the type of clothes that are in store. You can also use the window to showcase the best items you have to sell or pick ones that send out a message of quality or display a certain style or trend.

You can use front window mannequin displays to promote exciting additions to your merchandise at seasonal times such as swimwear heading into holiday season or school uniforms in the run up to September.

There are different types of mannequin that can inject some extra interest into your display. Moving mannequins for example can be eye catching. Ones that have been designed to create a picture of family or friendship can be very effective. Choosing uniform designs can be attractive or the creative use of lighting and music can help to make the display stand out and inspire your customers.

Some garments need body forms so that customers can appreciate their shape. They can be positioned at the end of clothes racks for example. You can choose specific colours to fit with the décor and make the most of space with mannequin torsos.

At Morplan we have an extensive range of shop fittings which include a variety of high quality mannequins and other essential items for retail.

Jeremy Hernandez

I'm Jeremy Hernandez, a dynamic professional with a passion for business, home improvement, health, and education. With a strong background in these areas, Jeremy brings valuable insights and practical advice to my work. I am dedicated to helping others achieve their goals through informed decisions and innovative solutions.

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