If you’re thinking of trying Alli diet pills, it’s well worth bearing in mind that eating healthily is very important. Most people find this a challenge and here are some of the most common excuses:
‘I don’t have time to shop for healthy food’
On your weekly shop pick up frozen or canned fruit and vegetables. These are all very nutritious and it’s good to have them on hand. Just because you’re eating a healthy diet when on an Alli weight loss course doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of convenience foods.
‘It’s just too expensive’
This is a common misconception. You may actually find it saves you money as vegetables and fruit are inexpensive in comparison to many processed foods. For example the average banana will cost just 20p whereas a chocolate bar can be much more expensive.
You can keep things even cheaper by choosing fruit and vegetables that are in season. A visit to a local market or farm shop will also prove much cheaper than the supermarkets and if all else fails choose frozen or tinned varieties.
I don’t like fruit and vegetables
Most people will like some variety of fruit or vegetables and you may find that things you disliked in the past are more appealing now. Aim to try a new fruit or vegetable every week until you discover some that you like. Also look for different ways to prepare and cook them.
You don’t have to suddenly start eating five a day. A sensible approach, and one that’s more likely to work, is to build up to five a day slowly. If you want to help your body to burn more fat as you lose weight through healthy eating you can take Alli pills also. At Pharmacy2u we have Alli to order online.