Designer footwear has become more desirable in recent years. Programs such as Sex and the City have really glamorised and promoted expensive designer footwear. These programs have served to advertise the amazing looking designer footwear; with many consumers liking what they see and becoming desperate to own a pair of designer shoes.
The major problem with designer footwear is the price tag that comes with it. Typically, a cheap pair of designer shoes would cost around £200. Expensive designer footwear can easily set you back thousands of pounds. These kinds of figures are certainly out of reach for most people.
This in turn has led to more young and fashion conscious women scouring auction sites and discount shops for a second hand bargain. People who would never normally consider buying a pair of second hand shoes are easily persuaded, due to the appeal of these designer shoes.
Some designer footwear manufacturers have begun to realise the popularity of their brand and are now even beginning to make budget ranges. These ranges will still set you back a minimum of £70, but this is just a drop in the ocean compared to the price of their normal range.
There are a few companies who have actually taken the radical step of hiring out pairs of these designer shoes. It’s a clever way of making expensive shoes available to more people. The problem comes when you damage them and you’re left with a replacement bill of several hundreds of pounds.
The best way to own designer footwear is to buy from a reputable company such as us at Scorpio. Owning your own designer shoes will mean that you never have to wear someone’s second hand shoes that they decided were not good enough and you never have the worry about hiring and damaging footwear that you could never afford to pay for.