Experiment with colour – if you want to be a little daring when it comes to choosing the colour scheme within your bedroom, particularly if you are wanting two or more colours within the one bedroom. Start by just having a look around at different colour combinations, even looking at things like clothing, things on your way to work and so on. Even looking at curtain shops such as Browns of Weston for your perfect ready made curtains is a good way to start looking for a colour scheme as you could then tie everything in around these or even your bedding set whilst looking at colours that complement and enhance each other.
How you want to feel – it’s important that you think about what type of feeling you are wanting to create when you enter your room. Here are a couple of ideas for rooms to get you on the way:
– the Boudoir – a sophisticated retreat, ideal with purples, pinks, silks…
– the Haven – a relaxing retreat, ideal with neutral colours and open spaces
– the Place of Dreams – where would your ideal living space be? Create it within your bedroom, even if it means making your bedroom into a Mediterranean retreat!
– the Multi-purpose room – is your bedroom more than just a sleeping space? Take this into consideration when decorating. Neutral colours might not enhance the mood during the day for example.
– the Retreat – a romantic, floral, bright room, perfect to unwind and escape to at the end of a hectic day.
When looking for a particular colour for your room it is important to remember that no colour is ever really seen in the same way by two people. That’s why when you’re walking down the street and you see someone wearing two colours that you really don’t think match you will probably find that they in fact see the two colours as complementary to each other. So don’t let other people influence your colour choice as it is a very personal one.