The Down syndrome test cannot provide any cure for Down syndrome, because the genetic abnormality causing the syndrome cannot be prevented. However, in recent years it has become easier to accurately identify the syndrome accurately during pregnancy.
The safest and most effective method for a Down syndrome test is called the ‘triple’ or ‘combined’ test. It is usually performed around the 10th or 11th week of pregnancy but has to be taken before the 14th week.
The Down syndrome test will provide a combination of information which will come from an ultrasound scan (to measure the baby’s spinal cord). This test is known as nuchal translucency measurement and these results are combined with blood tests which measure for chemicals in the mother’s blood such as; free beta-hCG and PAPP-A).
The Down syndrome test results are combined with the age of the woman along with the expected date of birth to provide a good estimated risk level of the baby having Down’s syndrome.
If the Down syndrome test suggests there is a high risk of the baby having the genetic disorder then additional Down syndrome tests are provided to establish the certainty of the child being affected. The additional Down syndrome tests provided include chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis. These Down syndrome test results are the definitive answer required, however, the negative side of this is that in some cases they can trigger miscarriage.
We, at Innermost Secrets are highly qualified group of private and personal medical experts specialising in our individual fields of fertility and pregnancy to cover every aspect of Down syndrome tests and fertility scans. We are based at Spire Hospital in Cardiff and provide all aspects of medical help and advice regarding STDs, antenatal care, fertility, pregnancy scans, Down syndrome testing and ultrasound scans plus much more.