Keep it seasonal for success at any event

These days people expect their food to be fresh, tasty and above all, seasonal. The emphasis on simple dishes made from top-quality ingredients has meant everyone in the hospitality and foodservice industry needs to take note—serve up beautiful dishes made from seasonal produce and you can’t go wrong, with any event benefiting from this way of cooking.

Whether it’s a corporate event, a wedding, a private party or anything else getting the menu right will be key, and if that menu is packed full of seasonal ingredients it’s bound to hit the right notes. And, if produce can be sourced locally from quality food wholesalers it’s even better—there’s a major spotlight on locally-sourced ingredients these days with cutting carbon footprints and supporting UK farmers being at the top of the agenda, and as an added bonus if produce is sourced locally it’s going to be seasonal for the simple fact that our climate makes it so.

Summer calls for plenty of soft fruits and berries, with British strawberries of course being the icing on the cake. But what about courgettes, broad beans, tomatoes, peas or spring onions? The list of seasonal produce goes on and on, and it should all take pride of place on any menu. Incorporating a few seasonal dishes into a garden party can be the perfect solution, and if you combine fresh produce with locally-sourced meats you’re bound to impress at any occasion.

With 2/3rds of consumers saying they’d like to see more seasonal produce on menus it’s high time to get involved. With the combination of the right food wholesalers and a clear emphasis on seasons anyone will be able to produce a stunning menu, so make sure to remember its importance and you can offer the perfect foodservice for success at any event necessary.

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Jeremy Hernandez

I'm Jeremy Hernandez, a dynamic professional with a passion for business, home improvement, health, and education. With a strong background in these areas, Jeremy brings valuable insights and practical advice to my work. I am dedicated to helping others achieve their goals through informed decisions and innovative solutions.