Making the best impression at acting auditions

Acting auditions can be nerve racking, no matter how much experience you have at them. What makes them even harder is that you often have a very small window of time in which to impress, which can pile on the pressure even more. Making the best impression at acting auditions is all about confidence and preparation, and the more prepared you are for your audition, the more confident you will be.

If you are called to an acting audition, the first thing you must do is find out all the relevant details. If you are attending a theatre audition, find out the name of the play and anything you can about it. If the script is available be sure to read it thoroughly.
Find out whether you need to prepare one or a number of speeches. If this is the case, be sure to choose pieces that are relevant to the character that you are auditioning for. If you are auditioning for a comedy, choose a comic piece, and try and keep the genre as similar as possible unless asked otherwise.

Once you have ascertained what is required in the audition, check the time, date and location. There is nothing worse than missing an audition because the details were incorrect, and you are unlikely to get a second chance. Leave yourself plenty of time to arrive, sit down, focus and mentally prepare. Rushing in off the street will only make you flustered and you will not be able to perform to your best.

Lastly, be confident, warm, friendly and energetic. They have a lot of people to see in a day and they want to be inspired by you. At Audition Now we can get the latest announcements for acting auditions straight to your phone, so that you will know exactly where and when they are happening.

Jeremy Hernandez

I'm Jeremy Hernandez, a dynamic professional with a passion for business, home improvement, health, and education. With a strong background in these areas, Jeremy brings valuable insights and practical advice to my work. I am dedicated to helping others achieve their goals through informed decisions and innovative solutions.

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