If you are thinking of setting up your own hairdressing business you will need to consider a lot of things like obtaining staff and premises. You may need to obtain a loan from a bank, which is not always easy these days. Once you have the business plan in motion and everything else set up…
Nurturing your crowning glory
Hair loss is frequently thought of as being the problematic domain solely restricted to the male; however, hair is every woman’s crowning glory. No matter how beautiful you are, a dull limp mane is enough to leave you looking and feeling tired and unattractive.
Digital hearing aids and hearing aid batteries that last the distance
Old cinema clips which date back to the days of silent films will often show particular characters using a large ‘ear trumpet’ which then were the standard hearing aid which now in the age of digital hearing aids seems rather primitive. Hearing aids in those days did not use hearing aid batteries. The level of…
The Brazilian takes on the traditional bikini
Bringing the fizz and excitement of Brazilian women’s swimwear design and beach fashion to Britain, the Rio look is taking on the bikini in the battle for our beaches. Shopping online for bikinis creates a much warmer and relaxed atmosphere in which to buy swimwear and it also introduces new alternatives to the more formulaic…