Alopecia is caused when the immune system attacks hair follicles which results in a disruption of hair growth.In extreme cases it can cause total loss of hair on any part of the body including the scalp.Hair loss can happen on any part of a body including nails. Nails can develop what looks like dents that…
Natural medicine and Crohns disease
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease that affects both male and female’s gastrointestinal tract. This will cause abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and vomiting which can lead to extreme weight loss.Other symptoms are inflammation in the eyes and skin rashes.
Kidney stones can kill a person
Kidney stones start off as a small stone and if ignored will cause pain and damage to a person’s body.A kidney stone is formed when calcium crystals and other minerals accumulate. Kidney stones are made out of a large amount of waste products.Flushing out these waste products is an important bodily function. If the liver…
Natural medicine is the way forward to treat migraines and other allergies
A migraine can be triggered by food allergies, hormonal imbalances, stress, constant worry or chronic dehydration. Most people who suffer from migraines have been to their practitioner for help only to find that prescribed medication will not bring the relief they are looking for.