As the sun begins to descend in accordance with its orbiting of the Earth, people can enjoy the true splendour of colours emerging from the sky.
Science & Technology
Great Crested Newt.
The Great Crested Newt is the largest species of lizard in the United Kingdom growing up to 18cm as an adult. In Europe and Britain the Great Crested Newt has declined in numbers over the last 100 years this has been mainly due to the loss if it’s natural habitat.
IGF-1 receptor antibody – a T-ALL order for lymphoblastic leukemia?
IGF1 is a member of the somatomedin, or insulin-like growth factor family. We at Novus Biologicals have an extensive range of IGF1 antibodies on our antibody database. An essential mediator of growth hormone function, IGF1is also linked to many types of cancer. The association between raised IGF1 levels and increased risk of cancer has been…
The Best Way to Create a Prototype
Creating a prototype no longer has to be a long and drawn out process. In fact, with the price of buying a 3D printer falling rapidly, being able to easily turn a CAD design into a fully functioning product can be as simple as hitting a button. Rapid prototyping saves businesses a huge amount of…