From what is evident from media reports, porn addiction is a typical male issue and this is what we all seem to hear. There are men cheating on their wives, visiting strip clubs, seeing prostitutes and even sexing online. However, this does not mean that women are not addicted to porn. According to reports, there are thousands of women seeking help for their porn addiction. It is just that we do not hear about them. The media offers endless examples of men who betray their wives that are a cause of public humiliation for the men. But what about the women who are addicted to porn? While women act out additively with drugs, food, gambling, caretaking, spending and alcohol, the reality is that there is very little research on women porn addiction.
Why is it Important for Women to Take Professional Help for Overcoming their Addiction
The reason why the world does not know about porn addiction in women is because there are very few women seeking help for their porn addiction. There are just 8% to 12% women who actually seek treatment for their porn addiction. In fact, there are a large number of women struggling with impulsive and compulsive disorders. It is always very important for women to take professional help for overcoming their porn addiction because professional help will give them the right path to tread on. They can learn about the steps that they can take in order to get over their addiction. This would further help them in doing away with the cravings for watching porn time and again. Professionals into helping people do away with addiction of all kinds have a clear understanding of the different methods that they can use for helping out their clients.
Steps that can Help Women Get Over their Porn Addiction
For all those women who find it difficult to take professional help because of the fear of being a subject of conversation for the public, there are other assistances available. some of the most important steps that women can take by themselves for overcoming their porn addiction are as follows:
Personal Discipleship
Women addicted to porn can read interesting books and listen to some good sermon that can be of good help. However, women should also understand that they require discipleship or the guidance of a mature individual with whom they can speak about their concerns and get a new lease of life. Sermons and books can be of good help but them people tend to forget what they read and listen. But once they are under the wing of a mature individual, they will seek the company of the individual for betterment in life.
To conclude, it can rightly be said that the society needs to change its perception of female porn addiction. Women should be given the freedom of seeking professional help if they are suffering from this kind of addiction. Rehabilitation centers are just another source for women porn addicts to get professional help for overcoming their addiction.