Small car accident repairs

Car accidents are never nice. Obviously larger accidents are a big concern for us all, we worry about our personal safety and the safety of the other occupants. Large accident damage also requires us to get the insurance companies involved. This leads to expensive excess payments and often large periods without any transport. We can only hope that we avoid these accidents.

Small accidents are another thing all together. We’ve all probably had them, it’s easily done. Most of us have probably hit an object whilst parking or maybe even had someone vandalise our car. The worst small accidents have to be when someone hits your car and then drives off without leaving any insurance details. This means that you have no one else’s insurance to claim off and you have to claim against your own. All of these types of accidents would require you to pay your insurance excess, this can typically be anything from Ł250-Ł500. This can then also affect your no claims discount.

Thankfully, there may be an alternative. Autopaint Repair offer cost effective ways of repairing your vehicle. We also provide mobile services in certain areas, such as dent removal in Dorset, which remove the need to take your vehicle away for repair. Due to the cost effective repairs, the costs can be less than the excess on your insurance. This means that you can get the damage repaired without affecting your no claims discount and insurance premium.

With such cost effective repairs available, it seems foolish to claim against your own insurance and pay a hefty excess. If you can avoid increasing your insurance premiums then it’s definitely something to look into the next time you need a minor repair.

Jeremy Hernandez

I'm Jeremy Hernandez, a dynamic professional with a passion for business, home improvement, health, and education. With a strong background in these areas, Jeremy brings valuable insights and practical advice to my work. I am dedicated to helping others achieve their goals through informed decisions and innovative solutions.


  1. The worst small accidents have to be when someone hits your car and then drives off without leaving any insurance details. Then insurance can easily help you to save you money. The worst small accidents have to be when someone hits your car and then drives off without leaving any insurance details. Then insurance can easily help you to save you money.
    You can contact us to get the best services for auto repair.

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