The fmcg products are meant for short term usage. They are consumed over a shorter period of time and that makes them sell a lot. Most of the fmcg products are used by most of the people all around the world. They are most used every day and their average life span is one month.…
FMCG products and the healthy advertising competitions:
The fmcg products are Fast Moving Consumer Goods and they come at a relatively low price as compared to the other types of goods such as durables and major appliances. The fmcg products are manufacturers favorite because their sale is always on a high and the profit though small on each item, becomes great when…
All about acne
Acne is a hereditary disorder of the pores of the skin. These pores make a messy mix with dead skin cells almost like a clogged drain in the sink. All said and done, David Ellison, M.D. and Richard H. Geller, M.D. are doing their best at the Acne Treatment Clinic, London, to deliver some reprieve…
Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD)
Psychologist Dr. Michael Fenichel, who has published numerous writings on FAD online, describes it as a situation in which Facebook usage “overtakes” daily activities like waking up, getting dressed, using the telephone, or checking e-mail. “The amazing thing is that, like cellphones, nobody seems to notice the vast amount of time and energy – at…