A student nurse or doctor who has just graduated from medical school and has specialised training in oncology may have to decide to take up a position in general practice or at one of the senior medical clinics. Whatever your choice, you can still specialise in your chosen field of medicine.
Reducing the stigma of nursing homes and care homes
Liverpool was one of the first cities to provide home care. Its main aim at that time was to help families who were suffering from infectious diseases.The most dangerous diseases at that time were typhoid, smallpox and scarlet fever.
Accidents happen in a hospital
hen you are admitted to hospital there are safety guidelines for both relatives and patients that are essential to avoid any unfortunate accidents. Nursing and other hospital staffs are totally committed to promoting safety for everyone visiting hospitals.
Safety advice for people in their home
A person who lives on their own could have an unexpected accident and no one would be on hand to call for help. Some of the people living alone do have a nurse calling on them once a week, but this is not always the case.